Someone said to repent, if he confess his sins, repent and stop and try not to repeat the act as embodied in the book Fath al-Bari XI / 103 compiled by Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar, A ?? said repent if he recognizes sin ?? his sins, repent, stop and try not to repeat it ??.
And this law must repent and be implemented immediately. Ibn al-Qayyim said, ?? Surely to God to repent of sin is the law shall be done immediately and not be delayed ?? (Madaarijus moonlight I / 297)
How to repent can be done by praying for the forgiveness of Allah Ta'ala or even by prayers of repentance.
Ta ?? ala Allah said,
?? And (also) those ?? who, when they commit an indecency or wrong themselves remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins ?? their sins and who can forgive sins except God. And they do not persist in what they, and they know ?? (QS. Ali Imran: 135)
From Ali Allaah 'anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said,
?? It is not someone to sin and on the up and purification, and prayer, and then beg forgiveness of God but Allah will grant him pardon ?? (HR. At Tirmidhi no. 406, the wording is his, Abu Dawud no. 1521, Ibn Majah no. 1395 and others, it has been validated by Shaykh Albanian in Saheeh Sunan At-Tirmidhi I / 128)
Correctly point out that the reading of a quantum merit is one of the means to repent to Allaah. From Agharr bin Yasar al Muzani, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
?? O mankind! Taubatlah you to God and ask for His forgiveness, for surely I repent to God in as much as a hundred times a day ?? (HR. Muslim no. 2702, Ahmad IV / 211, Abu Dawud no. 1515 and others)
And to repent of sin will be erased as if someone ?? though he was painless. From Ibn Mas ud ?? 'Anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
?? At taa-mother minadz dzanbi kaman laa dzanba Lahu ?? that means ?? Those who repent of sin as if ?? though he was painless ?? (HR. Ibn Majah no. 4250, it has been validated by Shaykh Albanian in Sahih Jami ?? ush Shaghir no. 3008)